Mastering Techniques for Spinning Color with Dyed Top
9:00 AM09:00

Mastering Techniques for Spinning Color with Dyed Top

Spin Into Spring

Join host Six Loose Ladies for a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure fiber weekend, with a special focus on color! Guest Spinning Instructor Alanna Wilcox will be teaching a day-long workshop on working with colored roving braids, the braids supplied by Heidi of Dirty Girl, who will set up her always popular pop-up shop for the weekend. We'll also be creating our own multicolored, and possibly sparkly, art batts.

The Parlor and Dining Room at Inn Victoria will be open all weekend for informal gathering. Tea, Coffee, and Delicious Snacks will be provided.

Reasonably priced rooms are available at Inn Victoria and across the street at The Chester Inn.


3:00 Check in
5:30 Welcome Pot Luck at Inn Victoria

9-12 & 1-4 A New Spin on Color: Mastering Techniques for Spinning Color with Dyed Top
Dirty Girl pop-up shop

10:00-12:00 Dirty Girl Trunk Show - Heidi will be on hand to answer questions about her fiber and process
10:00-11:30 Beginning Spinning on a Drop Spindle or Spinning Wheel
1:00-3:00 Fiber Exchange & Making Art Batts on the Drum Carder

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Color Alchemy Masterclass - Summer Session
to Oct 7

Color Alchemy Masterclass - Summer Session

Unlock Your Creative Potential with the Color Alchemy Masterclass!

Early registration is now open for the Summer session of my Color Alchemy Masterclass—your opportunity to turn color inspiration into stunning dye results with confidence and ease. (Register before 4/23 and receive a $150 discount)

This course is more than just learning techniques; it's about transforming how you approach color. You'll gain the confidence to bring your creative visions to life, mastering the art and science of dyeing through personalized guidance. With my pre-built calculators and templates, you'll effortlessly integrate technology into your process, making color application not just possible, but intuitive and joyful.

Join me on this journey to deepen your understanding of color and revolutionize your dyeing practice.

👉 Learn more about the course here

To start your transformation, click the Join Now button below.

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Color Alchemy Masterclass - Spring Session Early Registration
to Feb 7

Color Alchemy Masterclass - Spring Session Early Registration

Unlock Your Creative Potential with the Color Alchemy Masterclass!

Early registration is now open for the spring session of my Color Alchemy Masterclass—your opportunity to turn color inspiration into stunning dye results with confidence and ease. (Register before 1/7 and receive a $20 discount)

This course is more than just learning techniques; it's about transforming how you approach color. You'll gain the confidence to bring your creative visions to life, mastering the art and science of dyeing through personalized guidance. With my pre-built calculators and templates, you'll effortlessly integrate technology into your process, making color application not just possible, but intuitive and joyful.

Join me on this journey to deepen your understanding of color and revolutionize your dyeing practice.

👉 Learn more about the course here

To start your transformation, click the Join Now button below.

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Creating Carded Blends
10:00 PM22:00

Creating Carded Blends

Join me in this online workshop where we’ll explore best practices of fiber blending using hand carders and drum carders. Discover how to maximize these essential tools for the best results, delving into creative techniques for blending colors and textures, what fibers work best, and how to mix different fiber types effectively. I will also guide you through the spinning and drafting techniques most compatible with the unique fiber preparations these tools produce.

Whether you're a novice looking to understand the full potential of your hand carders or drum carder, or an experienced spinner aiming to refine your skills, this workshop is designed to reveal all the necessary tips and tricks. Learn to create the finest woolen carded fiber preparations, enhancing your spinning experience. This session promises to equip you with the knowledge and confidence to master these blending tools and enhance your fiber prep and handspun yarn results.

This workshop is hosted by MAFA and is an online event. To register click the link below.

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Color Alchemy Masterclass - Winter Session Early Registration
9:00 PM21:00

Color Alchemy Masterclass - Winter Session Early Registration

Unlock Your Creative Potential with the Color Alchemy Masterclass!

Early registration is now open for the winter session of my Color Alchemy Masterclass—your opportunity to turn color inspiration into stunning dye results with confidence and ease. (Register before 9/13 and receive a $20 discount)

This course is more than just learning techniques; it's about transforming how you approach color. You'll gain the confidence to bring your creative visions to life, mastering the art and science of dyeing through personalized guidance. With my pre-built calculators and templates, you'll effortlessly integrate technology into your process, making color application not just possible, but intuitive and joyful.

Join me on this journey to deepen your understanding of color and revolutionize your dyeing practice.

👉 Learn more about the course here

To start your transformation, click the Join Now button below.

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Lecture Presentation - Virtual Weaving History Conference
12:30 PM12:30

Lecture Presentation - Virtual Weaving History Conference

Weaving with AI: The Interweaving Between The Analog and The Digital Worlds

This presentation will explore the historical connections between weaving and computing, the interplay of analog and digital worlds in fiber arts, and the incorporation of AI in modern weaving practices. Participants will journey from the historical foundations of weaving and computing to contemporary applications of AI in art, gaining insights into the creative potential of blending traditional techniques with modern technology.

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Spinning With Color In Mind
10:00 AM10:00

Spinning With Color In Mind

Step into a world of playful color exploration with Alanna Wilcox in her "Spinning With Color In Mind" workshop. Perfect for anyone who's ever felt hesitant about diving into color with their hand spinning, this workshop replaces worry with wonder. Alanna will guide you through how to think about working with color so you can confidently embrace and learn from each creative choice you make in the process. Whether it's about avoiding the 'mud' or achieving the perfect hue, you're in for an enlightening journey.

In this hands-on class you'll delve into various fiber preparation and spinning techniques and discover over eight unique methods to spin a single color, including some fun with carding. Get ready to transform your color apprehension into creative expression, and leave not just with new skills, but a renewed sense of joy in your yarn spinning adventures.


PREREQUISITE: Participant must be able to spin a continuous yarn and familiar with basic plying (2 ply yarn)



Materials Info

MATERIAL FEE:  A material fee of $18 will be invoiced by me prior to the workshop via PayPal or Venmo.  It includes:  handouts and fiber for spinning


  • Yarn making tool: (working spinning wheel, electric spinner, or drop spindle if a fast drop spindler)

  • Spinning wheel oil (for spinning wheels and electric spinners)

  • Lazy kate (tensioned is preferred)

  • 3 empty bobbins with leader

  • hand carders (strongly encouraged to bring your own to save class time, otherwise participant can borrow instructors)

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Beginning Spinning - 2 Day (Thurs/Fri) New York Sheep & Wool Festival (Rhinebeck)
to Oct 18

Beginning Spinning - 2 Day (Thurs/Fri) New York Sheep & Wool Festival (Rhinebeck)

  • NY Sheep & Wool Festival (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Are you interested in learning how to create your own yarn using a spinning wheel?

This 2-DAY workshop (Thurs/Fri) covers basic wheel mechanics and how to set it up for successful spinning. You will get to learn about the different types of fibers that you can spin, how to prepare them and get to sample different types to see which ones you prefer. Tips and tricks will be covered so that you will leave with the confidence to continue making your very own yarn.

Topics covered:

- Wheel mechanics and maintenance
- Spinnable fiber types
- Fiber preparation options available to spinners
- Spinning and drafting techniques
- Plying will also be covered if time permits

If you've never spun on your wheel before, it's highly recommended that you have a fellow spinner test it out to ensure that it's in working order. If you don't have anyone local to you, you can contact Alanna for more assistance prior to the workshop beginning.

E-spinners are welcome.

SKILL LEVEL REQUIRED:  Beginner with some experience

PREREQUISITE:  Familiar with basic spinning mechanics and how to treadle on their chosen wheel

HOMEWORK:  Ensure the spinning wheel/electric spinner you're bringing to the workshop is in good working order/has all the parts needed


Materials Info

MATERIAL FEE:  A material fee of $18 will be invoiced by the instructor prior to the workshop via PayPal or Venmo.  It includes:  fiber sampler for spinning & handouts

STUDENTS MUST BRING:  Spinning wheel (**must be checked prior to the workshop to ensure it is in working condition**)

spinning wheel oil
3 empty bobbins with a leader or yarn to tie a leader
a Lazy Kate (tensioned is preferred)

NOTE:  There is no onsite ATM on Thursday and Friday. 

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to Oct 16

New York Sheep and Wool

Thursday October 13th 9:00am -4:00pm

Mastering Consistency in Handspinning

Are you able to spin a continuous yarn but find it difficult to spin consistently? This workshop will break down all the elements of a consistently spun yarn that includes drafting styles, fiber preparation, and understanding twist. You will leave more confident in spinning any type of weight of yarn more evenly and consistently as well as how to maintain consistency when spinning over several sessions for a project's worth of yarn.


Friday October 14th 9:00am -4:00pm

Spinning Colors

Color can be an inspiring and intimidating force when creating your own yarns. This workshop will focus on how the color choices a spinner makes prior to sitting at the wheel influence the final outcome of color in their projects. It will help you as a fiber artist achieve the color combinations you want rather than making mud. Fiber preparation choices will be discussed and then techniques for spinning color will be the main focus.


Saturday October 15th 10:00am -5:00pm

The Gist of Grist

Are you interested in spinning more consistent yarns, especially for a desired end use like a sweater? Have you ever spun yarn for a project, like a sweater, and your yarn was way too heavy or inconsistent from the beginning of the project towards the end? This workshop will explore the concept of "Grist", a spinning term that plays an important role in how the construction of the yarns we spin influence the weight and hand of the yarns' final outcome. You will leave more confident as a spinner in controlling the consistency, weight, and hand of the yarns you create.

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to Aug 13

TWIST Fibre Festival

  • Google Calendar ICS

Thursday August 11 9:00am -4:00pm

Project Power – How to take control of your spinning for the best project outcomes

Now that you know how to spin a continuous yarn you might have questions like
- How can I spin more consistently
- How can I control the thickness of my yarn?
- How can I control how dense my yarn is?

This workshop will answer those questions by teaching you techniques for:
- Controlling twist
- Controlling yarn diameter
- Controlling yarn loft/density/grist

After taking this workshop you will leave feeling empowered knowing how to spin for a project and being able to control your how handspun yarns look and behave.


Friday August 12th 9:00am -4:00 pm & Saturday August 13th 9:00am - 12pm

Spinning 101

Are you interested in learning how to create your own yarn using a spinning wheel?
These are the experiences this workshop will provide:
- Learn about basic wheel mechanics and how to set it up for successful spinning
- Learn about different ways to draft and spin fiber
- Sample different types of fiber preparations to see which ones you like best
- Tips and tricks will be covered to help you gain confidence quickly
* Time permitting plying will also be covered


Saturday August 13th 1:00pm - 4:00 pm

Creating a digital dye notebook

Are you a dyer that would like to be more organized with your record keeping? Or perhaps you're someone that has a great eye for color but sometimes the math involved in dyeing can be a bit confusing. This workshop will walk you through setting up a digital dye notebook using Google Sheets so that you can have a place to keep your records for individual projects, have color formulas automatically calculated for any weight of yarn/fiber to be dyed, and easily reproduce dye recipes from previous dyeing sessions for consistency. This workshop blends the artistry of color application with using technology to help you dye smarter, faster and more consistently.

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to Jul 20

HGA presents Convergence

12+ Ways to Spin Painted Top for Color

Did you ever purchase a hand-painted top and spin it only to be disappointed in the final color outcome? This workshop analyzes how hand painted tops and rovings are dyed and how the fiber can be spun in 12+ ways to yield different color combinations in the final yarn. The focus will be on color and how to achieve beautiful color results in your handspun yarn instead of mud.

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9:00 AM09:00

HGA presents Convergence

Plying Beyond The Basics

Just like there are many ways to spin fiber into singles, there are many ways to ply those singles together to create different handspun yarns. This workshop starts off with basic plying using 2 bobbins and then builds on that knowledge to explore other plying possibilities for your handspun singles. Techniques that will be covered include chain plied (Navajo plying), cable plied yarn, novelty yarns such as coils/beehives, knotted yarns, and beaded yarns.

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9:00 PM21:00

A lecture hosted by Stash Lounge

Color, Fiber, & Dye

Are you a fiber enthusiast that is curious about color? Maybe you're even "dyeing" to learn more about how and when color is applied to fiber influences a project's visual outcome. In this lecture, Alanna breaks down color theory in a very easy to understand way for the novice fiber colorist and then deep dives into the nuances that can be tapped into when one is aware of how human perception of color (and how that perception) can guide our choices in creating with fiber, yarn, and handmade fabrics.  

Tickets $25

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2:00 PM14:00

Susquehanna Valley Spinners and Weavers Guild (Copy)

  • The Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church (Basement fellowship hall) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Color, Dye, & Fiber (Lecture)

This lecture address the science of color and how our eyes perceive color both in the real world, digital colors, and printed colors. After understanding color theory more in-depth, Alanna will explore how our perception of color influences the choices we make when working with color as spinners, dyers, and weavers

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9:00 AM09:00

Susquehanna Valley Spinners and Weavers Guild

  • Central Pa. Chamber of Commerce (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Workshop: Spinning for Consistency

Are you able to spin a continuous yarn but find it difficult to spin consistently? This workshop will break down all the elements of a consistently spun yarn that includes drafting styles, fiber preparation, and understanding twist. You will leave more confident in spinning any type of weight of yarn more evenly and consistently as well as how to maintain consistency when spinning over several sessions for a project's worth of yarn.


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6:00 PM18:00

NY Sheep & Wool @ Rhinebeck (Virtual Workshop)

Learn how to combine different fibers  from your stash for unique results!

Learn how to combine different fibers from your stash for unique results!

Stash Diving for Color

Friday, October 15, 2021

6:00 PM 8:00 PM EDT

Have you been tempted and purchased different dyed braids of wool only to have them sitting in a storage bin because you're not sure what to do with them? This workshop will explore how a spinner can pair 2 (or more) different dyed braids so that they can be combined and used in a project with pleasing color results instead of getting mud. You will leave this workshop inspired and excited to look at your stash in a whole new way!

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8:45 AM08:45


This workshop is based off of my book “A New Spin On Color”

Did you ever purchase a hand painted top and spin it only to be disappointed in the final color outcome?

This workshop analyzes how dyed wool tops and rovings are painted and how the fiber can be spun in 12+ ways to yield different color combinations in your handspun yarn.

The focus will be on color and how to achieve beautiful color results instead of mud.

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to Apr 7


  • Green Township Municipal Building (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In addition to teaching workshops I will also be giving a lecture during the guild's meeting on Friday, April 6th on the process of becoming a Master Spinner. Click on the title of the workshops above to learn more about them. To register, complete this form (click here) and mail along with a check to:

Nelda Davis

PO Box 213

Mt Tabor, NJ 07878


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