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New York Sheep and Wool

Thursday October 13th 9:00am -4:00pm

Mastering Consistency in Handspinning

Are you able to spin a continuous yarn but find it difficult to spin consistently? This workshop will break down all the elements of a consistently spun yarn that includes drafting styles, fiber preparation, and understanding twist. You will leave more confident in spinning any type of weight of yarn more evenly and consistently as well as how to maintain consistency when spinning over several sessions for a project's worth of yarn.


Friday October 14th 9:00am -4:00pm

Spinning Colors

Color can be an inspiring and intimidating force when creating your own yarns. This workshop will focus on how the color choices a spinner makes prior to sitting at the wheel influence the final outcome of color in their projects. It will help you as a fiber artist achieve the color combinations you want rather than making mud. Fiber preparation choices will be discussed and then techniques for spinning color will be the main focus.


Saturday October 15th 10:00am -5:00pm

The Gist of Grist

Are you interested in spinning more consistent yarns, especially for a desired end use like a sweater? Have you ever spun yarn for a project, like a sweater, and your yarn was way too heavy or inconsistent from the beginning of the project towards the end? This workshop will explore the concept of "Grist", a spinning term that plays an important role in how the construction of the yarns we spin influence the weight and hand of the yarns' final outcome. You will leave more confident as a spinner in controlling the consistency, weight, and hand of the yarns you create.

Earlier Event: August 11
TWIST Fibre Festival