Continental & Combination Knitting

Continental & Combination Knitting


(To begin, click the ‘Purchase Now’ button then click ‘CART’ button to checkout)

This workshop was recorded for the Fiberworld 2020 event

Would you like to learn how to knit and purl faster and more efficiently?

Learning how to knit using the Continental method will not only help you gain speed but also will help ease any pains or fatigue you might experience in your hands.

If you are a beginner and never knitted before or someone that learned how to knit English-style and would like to try something new, then this is the workshop for you!

Purchase Now

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Scroll down to read student’s reviews of the workshop ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Content covered:

  • How to knit and purl using the Continental knitting method

  • Understanding the difference between the Easter and Western style of knitting

  • Stitch orientation and how that impacts your knitted fabric

  • Stitch creation and how wrapping the yarn impacts the fabric


This workshop was conducted live for Fiberworld 2020 and was recorded and edited with over an hour and half of video content. You can watch the video at your own pace and follow along with Alanna to learn this ergonomic knitting method.

Upon purchasing the workshop you will receive a document with instructions on how to log into the workshop. Once logged in, you can access the video content, handout/documents, and ask Alanna questions if any should arise.

