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Alanna Wilcox

Fiber Artist • Master Spinner

Expert Instructor • Color Alchemist


Hi there, I’m Alanna

I’m here to encourage and empower you on your fiber arts journey.

As an artist and educator, I’m uniquely positioned to help you overcome creative challenges, learn new skills and feel excited to boldly go on your own crafty adventures.

Whether you're a handspinner, dyer, or both, you will be able to achieve your creative goals through my expert instruction via books, online workshops and dye formulas.

Alanna Wilcox fiber artist dyer handspinner

Spinning Classes & Dye Workshops

If you’re looking to improve your yarn spinning skills, become more adept at acid dyeing yarn and fiber, or are curious about how to approach your crafting time with more creativity, then you’re in the right place!

Here are some workshops and thoughts from past students:


“As an experienced spinner I was impressed by how much I learned by taking this workshop. In the past when I've heard or read about twist angle and other technical aspects of spinning my eyes would glaze over. Alanna presents it in such a clear and concise way you have already learned it before you can even think about being intimidated. I would highly recommend this class to anyone.”


“This is a great course, it’s easy to follow and to understand. As someone without any spreadsheet experience I found this to be incredibly useful to recalculate recipes, organize recipes and to track dye inventory. This course would be great for new and experienced dyers. Highly recommend!”


Want to learn when new workshops are scheduled? Sign up for my newsletter here:


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Scroll through the calendar or look at the list below for upcoming events.

Color Alchemy Masterclass


An online in-depth dyeing course covering color theory with acid dyes for consistent and repeatable results.

On-demand content with daily chat support:

July 1st - Sept. 8th

Weekly live sessions:

Sept 9th - Oct 7th
from 6:30-9:30pm ET

(fully on-demand option available)


Beginning Spinning

MAFA 2025 Millersville, PA

June 26-29th


h+h Americas

(lecture topic on AI TBD)

May 7th-9th

Are you a dyer interested in matching colors with acid dyes like these?


Then let my precision color matching dye formulas do the work for you!


I’ve spent over a decade testing dyes on yarn and fiber to make this the easiest process for you. Never again will you have to waste your valuable time, money, and materials trying to achieve an envisioned color.

No more trial and error testing, wasted yarn and time, or hunting down and figuring out the right brands of dyes, colors, or dye ratios ever again.

Click below to see how my formulas can do all the work for you.




For Spinners:

How to spin dyed rovings & hand painted tops

For Dyers:

How to dye wool yarn, roving, and other protein fibers using photos