Session 1: Beginning a project (Part 1)
Links can be found below to items mentioned in the session.
Part 1
Picking a project
How to organize your thoughts on the project
Curating an inspiration board
Price: Free
Please note that Part 1 of this series was free but each successive session is $5.
If you click the button to register you will add a ticket to the event to your shopping cart but to gain access to the session you will need to checkout and pay to receive a PDF with the Zoom link and password.
Purchasing a ticket will also give you access to watch the recorded Session an unlimited amount of times, so if you’re unable to make it to LIVE session or you would like to watch it again and take notes you will be able to. The password issued for the Zoom meeting will be the same one to access the recorded video page.
To register for the next session in the series, Session 1: Part 2 click the button below
Detail of my Lost in Time Shawl
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